Marie-Laure Ryan's articles on Possible Worlds and the Theory of Fiction. (See also Narratology)

2024 The Fictionality of Games and the Ludic Nature of Fiction: Make-Believe, Immersion, Play." The Routledge Handbook of Fiction and Belief , edited by Alison James, Akihiro Kubo and Fran oise Lavocat. Routledge 2023, 41-51.

2023. "Are Impossible Fictions Possible" Colloque Fabula

2023. Postface. Fictionality and Multimodal Narrative. Eds. Alison Gibbons and Torsa Ghosal. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 280-89.

2021. "Media, Genres, Facts and Truth: Revisiting Basic Categories of Narrative Diversification. (manuscript)Neohelicon. Printed version for reference (Cannot be downloaded or printed)

2020. Fact, Fiction and Media. Narrative Factuality: A Handbook. Eds. Monika Fludrnik and Marie-Laure Ryan, in cooperation with Hanna Specker. Berlin: De Gruyter: 2020. 75-94.

2018. Photos, Facts and Fiction. Cosmo: Comparative Studies in Modernism.

2013. Impossible Worlds and Aesthetic Illusion. Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and Other Media. Eds. Walter Bernhard and Werner Wolf. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 131-48.

2012. Impossible Worlds. The Routledge Companion to Experimental Literature. Eds. Joe Bray, Alison Gibbon and Brian McHale. 368-79.

2011. "Fiction, Cognition, and Non-Verbal Media. . Intermediality and Storytelling. Eds. Marina Grishakova and Marie-Laure Ryan. Berlin: De Gruyter, series Narratologia.

2011 Possible Worlds. Entry for the Handbook of Narratology. Ed. Peter H hn.

2011 Possible Worlds Semantics and Fiction. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Ed. Patrick Colm Hogan. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

2008. Fiction, The International Encyclopedia of Communication (ed. Wolfgang Donsbach), Volume 4. Wiley-Blackwell (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA), 2008, pp. 1808-1812.

2006. "From Parallel Universes to Possible Worlds : Ontological Pluralism in Physics, Narratology and Narrative" Abstract. Poetics Today 24.7, 633-674.
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2005. "Possible-worlds Theory." Entry for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative.

2002. "Fiction and its Other: How Trespassers Help Defend the Border."Abstract. Semiotica. 138-1/4: 351-69.

1998. "The Text as World Versus the Text as Game: Possible Worlds Semantics and Narrative Theory."Abstract. Journal of Literary Semantics. 27.3. 137-163.

1997. "Postmodernism and the Doctrine of Panfictionality." Abstract. Narrative 5.2, 165-187.

1995. "Introduction: From Possible Worlds to Virtual Reality." Abstract. Style 29.2, 173-183.

1992. "Possible Worlds in Recent Literary Theory." Abstract. Style 26.4, 528--53.
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1991. "Possible Worlds and Accessibility Relations: A Semantic Typology of Fiction." Poetics Today 12.3, 553-576.

1985. "The Modal Structure of Narrative Universes." Abstract. Poetics Today 6.4:717-756.
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1984."Fiction as a Logical, Ontological, and Illocutionary Issue." Abstract. Style 18.2:121-139.
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1980. "Fiction, Non-Factuals, and the Principle of Minimal Departure." Abstract. Poetics 9:403-422.
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1987. "The Heuristics of Automated Story Generation."Abstract. Poetics 16: 515-534.
